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All eventsThe role of simulation training in the period of the pandemic, a round table in an online format
Date: 23 June, 16.00-17.30.
Event format: online broadcast from the CMI Fund and MCCAB "Raven".
The purpose of the event: summarizing the experience of the process of simulation education in the period of distribution COVID-19 to develop comprehensive proposals for the training of the medical organizations to functioning in the conditions of pandemics.
Organizers: Foundation for International medical cluster, Federal scientific-practical center training and continuous professional development of managerial staff of health and the all-Russian public organization "Russian obsestvo of simulation education in medicine" (RESUMED). The experts who organized the training in simulation centers to effectively combat coronavirus infection, discuss international and Russian experience of using simulation education in the period of distribution COVID-19, its role and effectiveness in the training of personnel, as well as talk about the experience of practical implementation of the project field simulation center MMK in MCRIB "Raven".
The round table will take part: I. I. Khairullin, PhD, General Director of MMK; E. V. Zimina, M. D., Professor, member of the Board of the Russian public organization "RESUMED", Deputy head of the Federal scientific-practical center training and continuous professional development of managerial staff of health Ministry of health of Russia, EFQM Assessor; A. L. Colish, Executive Director of "ROOMED"; M. D. Gorshkov, Chairman of the Presidium of the Board RESUMED; Euromedsys Director, European Institute for simulation education in medicine, Germany; Y. I. Logvinov, head of training and accreditation center – medical simulation center of the Botkin hospital; member of European simulation society (SESAM); Laureate of the Moscow Government Prize in medicine; Adam Dodson, the operation Manager of the simulation center Johns Hopkins Medicine; S. N. Transitions, M. D., Professor, chief physician of city hospital named VP Demikhova. Honored doctor of the Russian Federation. Surgeon of the highest category, N. And.Karpun, MD, Professor, Deputy chief physician for medical part of city hospital them. VP Demikhova; S. N. Adeykin, head of Department of reanimation and intensive therapy of MCRIB Raven; M. A. Kazankova, PhD, head of Department of development of educational projects Fund CMI; D. G. Ilyukhin and HELL.Efimov, coaches Visiting the simulation centre MMK in MCRIB "Raven"; Fn.Filina, head of communications of OJSC MMK. The program of the event can be downloaded here
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